How do tectonic plate boundaries interact?

The evolution of continents depends on the dynamics of tectonic plate boundaries. First-order tectonic plate rearrangements are singular events that allow a better understanding of continental tectonics and its associated processes. I research the newly formed Aegean-Anatolian plate, constituted as such in the last 5 Ma, after the North Anatolian Fault propagated into the Aegean and eventually connected with the Hellenic subduction. On the Aegean-Anatolian plate and along the Hellenic Arc, the modern E-W extension occurring since post-Messinian times is at odds with the arc-perpendicular directions expected for overriding plates of subduction systems. I study the evolution of the forearc high islands all along the Hellenic Arc under the hypothesis that they may result from tectonic-scale stress field change during the birth of the plate. I developed a few novel approaches at the cross-road among geomorphology, morphotectonics and fault mechanics and I derive two relevant results; (i) the modern Corinth Rift developed in relation with elastic flexure along a newly formed steep crustal-scale normal fault with self-similar growth; and (ii) forearc high islands uplifted probably diachronically between ~1.5 and ~2.5 Ma and in relation to extensional faulting that opens radially from the arc southern tip. 

How do orogenic plateaus grow?

Orogeny, epeirogeny and/or climate causes contribute to the topographic growth and maintenance of orogenic plateaus and plateau margins. The geology and tectonostratigraphy across plateau margins help discriminate the relative contribution of each driver and thus understand the causes leading to orogenic plateaus. During my PhD studies, I researched on the geometry and kinematics of the Neogene vertical tectonic motions of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian orogenic plateau, as well as the basin evolution implied by, and the geodynamic mechanisms responsible for, those movements. I applied structural geology, basin analysis and tectonostratigraphy principles and approaches to propose plateau margin growth in a contractional setting of accretion and deep crustal flow. This mechanism, that I validate using finite-element thermomechanical modelling, may uplift internal sectors of orogenic wedges in mature and/or hot accretionary subduction margins. I won two awards at international conferences presenting my first paper published in the Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, where I also coauthored a second paper. Another paper is accepted in Basin Research and two out of the four remaining manuscripts resulting from my dissertation will be submitted before 2019 Q2, to GRL and EPSL.

How do transform faults evolve?

I use DEM analysis and fieldwork to constrain the present-day tectonic activity of the Great Sumatran Fault in the northern tip of Sumatra. Largely different kinematic regimes coexist in the main two branches of this lithospheric-scale strike-slip fault, coherent with the stress field imposed by the system. In this project, I gained a great understanding of oblique subduction and extrusion tectonics.

Why are passive margins not passive?

I studied the exhumation of the Moroccan margin coeval with the post-rift phase of the Central Atlantic. Structural fieldwork in the area reveals that shortening tectonics developed contractional structures counteracting the thermal subsidence of the margin.