My teaching activities cover:

  • Structural Geology
  • Mapping
  • Basin Analysis
  • Paleostresses
  • Regional Tectonic Evolution

The courses that I’ve taught are:

May 2015, May 2016  [6 days each] River morphometrics and its application to the Corinth Rift “Failles Vivantes” (Living Faults) Course in Corinth and south Peloponnesse (M.Sc.2 IPG Paris).

May 2012  [12 days]
“Mapping and structure recognition fi eldwork at the External Betics, Jumilla-Fuente Alamo”. Fieldwork season in Veldwerk Geologie (1st year B.Sc. Aardwetenschappen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

Jun 2011  [15 days] “Structural and stratigraphic eldwork in Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Iberian System, Sierra de Albarracin”. Fieldwork season in Veldwerk Geologie (2th year B.Sc. Aardwetenschappen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

Oct 2009, Oct 2010, Oct 2011  [3.5 hours/each] “Faults and paleostress analysis: theory and practice”. Lectures and practicum classes in Structural Geology II (3 th year B.Sc. Aardwetenschappen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).